Pastor Keith Weekley

Keith came to our church from the First Christian Church of Augusta, where he served as interim pastor for two years.

Keith started his career as an interim pastor when he went to Massachusetts in 2005 to serve as a professional interim for the Massachusetts Conference of the United Church of Christ (MACUCC). He served as interim for a year at Christ Church United in Lowell, where the church recovered from internal conflict and called a settled pastor who has built an active downtown ministry to the poor and homeless.

Keith's second interim was at the Allin Congregational Church in Dedham, where he stayed for two years. Allin is the birthplace of Unitarianism, led by its pastor, Jonathan Edwards. The church was established in 1638.

Christ Church United in Dracut, MA, called in 2008 and Keith became their interim for two and one-half years. Once CCU Dracut called a Disciples minister as their pastor, Keith moved to China for a year, only to be called back to minister to the Federated Church of Sturbridge Massachusetts. Federated was in the middle of conflict following the early termination of its pastor. After the completion of a series of small healing groups, the church came together, held a service of reconciliation and announced a day of new beginnings. They called a dynamic pastor and are in the process of advancement of ministries in their communities.

In 2015 Keith was called as Interim at First Christian Augusta, the second oldest Disciples of Christ congregation in Georgia, (being established in 1835).

In the spring of 2017 Keith retired from First Christian Augusta.

In October of 2017, Keith agreed to come out of retirement to serve as Interim Pastor at First Christian Aiken.
In 2018, Keith had to take a medical leave of abscence for treatment of a chronic lung condition - please pray for his recovery and well being.